Latest updated May 2023
In the following policy, you can learn more about how we process your personal data. Any kind of information that can be attributed to you is personal data. We may have received the information directly from you or others - or collected when you visited our website.


Academy Group ApS is the data controller of the information we collect, whether you are a member, guest, business partner, or a visitor to our website.
We process personal data in accordance with current legislation, and if you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact us at:
Academy Group ApS
CVR: 39728664
Dronningens Tværgade 26,
1302 København K
Telefon: +452671 9074


The website
When you visit our website, we collect data about you for statistical purposes, marketing, website optimizing to optimize the website and user experience, use memory functions and target our marketing.
Among others, we process your IP address, your operation system and browser, the date and time you visited the website.
We place cookies on your device, which you can read more about in our Cookie Policy [insert link]. The collected data is transferred to third parties, like Google and LinkedIn in order to get statistics or targeted remarketing.
Newsletters, meetings and events
Upon subscription, our members consent to receive emails, newsletters and other offers related to our services – unless opted out. Academy process personal data with the purpose to communicate and inform members of upcoming events, talks etc.
Academy equally process information about guests and other participants when handling inquiries at the Conary. The purpose is to provide the requested service and ensure a positive experience.
We process personal data about our members to provide the network service, which involves communication, meeting invitations and other network related activities.
Furthermore, we process information about potential members to determine whether the candidate in question should be offered a membership. The information is publicly assessable.
We process the following information which are all of a non-confidential and non-sensitive nature: Name, job title, workplace, work address, telephone, email, meeting attendings, amongst others.
Job applications
If you are applying for a job with us, we process the personal information that you provide us with to evaluate you. We store job applications for a period of up to 6 months to ensure the right candidate for the position.


In order for us to offer you a membership, a functioning website, newsletters, sessions, jobs, etc., it is necessary for us to process your personal data by collecting, storing, using, deleting, transferring, and passing on your information.
We only store data as long as necessary. The retention period depends on whether the data is from members or whether you have just attended a meeting or event.


We ensure great safety and confidentiality when it comes to the information that you provide us with, or we receive from others about you. We have implemented technical security measures to ensure data security and established internal procedures to ensure only necessary employees have access to your data. We focus on educating each other in providing a high degree of data safety. When appropriate, we encrypt or anonymize your information.

We delete your personal data when we no longer need to process it in order to meet one or more of the purposes mentioned above. There may be specific rules in laws and regulations, such as the Danish Bookkeeping Act, which gives us the right and the duty to store your data for a longer period of time.


You have the right to gain access to any personal data we may process about you.
Furthermore, you have the right to ask for rectification of personal data about you which is inaccurate or to have your personal data limited. If our processing of your personal data is based on a consent, you may always withdraw such consent.
If you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us at


Please feel free to contact us, if you have any questions concerning our processing of your personal information by e-mail: or phone +45 26719074.
Here you can also contact us if you want insight into the information we process about you, correct any information, delete information or to withdraw a consent.
Kindly note that some of the processing of your personal data carried out by us is necessary for us to provide you with our services. This means that in some cases your retraction will mean that you will no longer be able to receive our newsletter, be a member, use the Website or the like.
Withdrawal of your consent does not affect the legality of the processing of personal data that has taken place before the withdrawal of your consent.
If you wish to complain about our processing of your personal data, you may file a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Authorities, which you can find here: Borgergade 28, 1300 Copenhagen K, Denmark, phone: +45 33193200, or you can contact them by email: